Friday, October 30, 2009

Does anyone have 500.00 to invest in a web page idea I have.strange idea but so was the Chia pet and

serious subject!! It is tangible wealth building motivational tool.It costs 10.00 and lasts a lifetime.(if you don%26#039;t misplace it).I had the page up and running for a while and sold a few units.I did not pay the host on time so the site is down.I just need 300.00 to spruce up the web page and get it back online. In addition, a couple of hundred bucks to pay a YEARS worth of hosting.Once the site is up, I%26#039;ll work it like a starvin%26#039; dog that can smell the meat! After paying back the 500.00, I will continue to pay 5% of each unit sold.

Pie in the sky example. I sell 1,000.000 units with a total profit of 7.00 each. That is 7,000.000 X 5%=350.000. What if 2,000.000 sold? You get the picture.I%26#039;ll put everything in writing and let you monitor number of units sold.Every now and then, an average Joe comes up with a ringer. Ask Bill Gates.

Does anyone have 500.00 to invest in a web page idea I have.strange idea but so was the Chia pet and it made $

There are plenty of free hosting services. To ask for money you should have something on line that will help potential investors see what you have to offer.

Does anyone have 500.00 to invest in a web page idea I have.strange idea but so was the Chia pet and it made $

I would need to know more about it to just give a total stranger 500 bucks.

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