Monday, October 12, 2009

How can I embed a Word document in a web page?


I am wondering wether there is a way to embed a word document in a webpage. The documents are hosted at a remote server (aka: files aren%26#039;t hosted on my website). I know that there is a way for pdf files (if you have a better way for this too please let me know):

%26lt;EMBED src=%26quot;example.pdf%26quot; width=%26quot;650%26quot; height=%26quot;854%26lt;/EMBED%26gt;

Also the word documents are more than one page (I found this method that only does the 1st page for you. It uses somekind of flash method).

How can I embed a Word document in a web page?

Try to close the tags correctly

%26lt;EMBED src=%26quot;example.pdf%26quot; width=%26quot;650%26quot; height=%26quot;854%26gt;%26lt;/EMBED%26gt;

Or simply post a link to it

%26lt;a href=%26quot;example.doc%26quot;%26gt;Click Here%26lt;/a%26gt;

How can I embed a Word document in a web page?

This is amusing. You should try your suggestion to see that it doen%26#039;t work. The question is how to embed a Word document, not a PDF document. You can%26#039;t embed a Word document. There is no browser plugin for Word documents. Report It

Other Replys:To embed a file in a web page requires a plugin that simulates the application used to create the file. Where can your viewers find a Word plugin? I%26#039;ve never seen one. Also, embedding someone%26#039;s file is no different legally from downloading it and uploading it to your own server so you can%26#039;t get out of anything legally by embedding it.

Make a link to the file and the viewer will have to download it. But that is still not a good solution. Although most people have Word installed on their computer, quite a few do not since it costs big bucks unless it is pirated. A PDF is better since Adobe Viewer is free. For that matter, why not just copy all the data from the Word file and put it into a web page as text and picture links? Then you will not be asking anyone to get a plugin or anything. Don%26#039;t ask people to do more than is necessary.

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