Saturday, October 24, 2009

How can I create an ActiveX object with an IE instance inside of a web page?

Yes, it sounds weird, but I want to create an ActiveX object inside of a webpage that can host an IE session. The reason for this is we are creating a web application that will contain two other web apps inside iFrames. The problem with this is that if those web apps are loaded in the same IE session, one of them will not work. (It%26#039;s a limitation of the web app, and we don%26#039;t have control over it.)

We could always modify the app so that one of them runs in another browser window (this will work), but it isn%26#039;t ideal. The purpose of the app we creating is that it is a single view portal that makes navigation easier.

The only possible solution we%26#039;ve come up with so far is to host one of the web apps inside an ActiveX object and hope that it uses a new browser session. That will keep the instances separate, and allow them both to work (in theory). So, basically, I%26#039;m trying to find the code to create an ActiveX browser session inside another browser.

How can I create an ActiveX object with an IE instance inside of a web page?

Consider using the XMLHttpRequest object. It allows you to create a new instance of a browser within a web page using JavaScript. You may also want to research AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

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